
Receiving an MVP Award from the O'Colly Media Group
Fall 2018, I started as copy-editor at ModMuze, Stillwater's Fashion and Lifestyle Magazine. Founded only one year before, ModMuze was relatively new when I joined the team. By the next semester, I worked my way up to editor-in chief. As a fledgling magazine, there was a lot to be done in all aspects of production in order to bring the issues to publication as well as ensure longevity. While serving as editor-in-chief, I also acted as a copy-editor, writer, and occasionally had a hand in every step of production. Working with MODMuze, I got experience with every part of the creative process and learned about all that it takes to bring so many departments together to deliver a flawless publication. Upon my graduation, I also promoted my replacement who is currently acting editor.
Below you will find the ModMuze website, and below that some of the issues I had a hand in producing. Check out some of the issues I produced at MODMuze, as well as my personal pieces inside!
Editor-in-Chief | Copy Editor | Writer